
Sunday, March 31, 2013

My nails for the week

        Hi! I want to share with you my nails for the upcoming week. This is simple and probably boring for most of you people( I'm sorry! D=). However, I'll show it anyways :)
So I thought that since it is spring already, why not some flowery nails.......aaaaannnndddd I ended up FAILING! >.<
I didn't like the way the stem appeared so I tried making the others without the stem and the leaves..... T.T

      Anyway, I used China Glaze's Electric Beat as the base except for my pinky which was Color Club's Eternal Beauty.........until it......FELL! >.< the bottle shattered into pieces and it was horrible.
I was so frustrated and was a sad bunny. :(
Also, I noticed that when you apply topcoat on this Holographic polish, the effect becomes dull and not so much holo... so I don't recommend putting a topcoat since it ruins the whole idea.

Electric Beat is a mixture of periwinkle and cornflower blue

Finally, the glitter that I used as my accent nail was Nicole by OPI's Inner Sparkle which is one of the Selena Gomez's Collection! :D I personally think it is plain beautiful! 
I did some polka dots on my thumb C=
It contains pink and purple hexagonal glitters as well as small gold glitters !!!!!♥♥♥
Sorry for the little blur! :O

   Well, that is it for today, hope you have a great day! :)

This is your bunny, signing out! ♥♥